Network Architecture Overview

Network Topologies

We have different topologies when it comes to networking architecture.
A network topology is simply a term used to describe how different devices on the network are connected together [logically].

Some common topology types are:

We also have hybrid networks [which are typically seen as a combination of 2 or more topologies] like

They are meant to import reliability, scalability and flexibility by taking advantage of each topology's strength and limiting their weaknesses.

Bandwidth vs Latency

Bandwidth is the amount of data we can send over a network in an interval of time.
If your internet connection is advertised as 100Mbps download, it simply means that your internet should theoretically be able to transfer 100Mb every second. [We all know this is not always the case lmao]

Latency is a measure of the time that passes between sending a network resource request and receiving a response. It can simply be understood at the delay that's experienced when you -- for instance, click on a button on the internet.

So in essence, high bandwidth does not necessarily mean fast internet, latency is what is responsible for this. You generally always want to have low latency (low delay time, fast internet speed)

There are multiple ways to reduce latency, and consequently improve user experience while building network applications.

The Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) Reference Model

When computer networks began to get increasingly complex, some dudes and ladies (researchers) created the OSI model to standardize how data is sent over networks. Now the OSI servers as a framework for development and communication of protocols.

Protocols are rules and procedures that defines how data is sent over a network. Some popular network protocols include the TCP, UDP etc...
The Hierarchical Layers of the OSI Reference Model

There are 7 layers in the OSI model...

Screenshot from 2023-11-04 22-24-14.png

Layers basic functionalities

When transferring data, we count the number of bits being sent per second (zeros and ones) in other words, network transmission rate is measured in bits per second. But we use byte per second when discussing the amount of data that is transferred. so 100Mbps does not mean we can download a 100MB in one second, it instead means it'll take about 8 seconds under ideal network conditions. Given the fact that 8 bits == 1 Byte.

The TCP/IP Model

Honorary mention.

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