Building a Simple Software Defined Network with Ryu and Mininet in Python

SDNs are cool, but there are not a lot of simple and direct guides on how to build one.
So I've decided to cook up a practical guide on how to build an SDN with Mininet and Ryu in python.

This is definitely a

Anywayssss, In this article, I'll show you how to build a simple software defined network, and a controller for this network with Ryu and Mininet, in python (^_^ ).


I'll assume you have basic knowledge of the Linux cli, python, and the SDN architecture

ATTENTION: Brace up guys, it's going to be a long one hehe

Getting Requirements

First off the OS I'm using for this project is Ubuntu, if you use windows, some commands might not work, so you might have to find an equivalent, or just use WSL.

You would need to install Open vSwitch on your system, if you've not done that before.
Here's a simple guide on how to do that : )

You would also need to install mininet, here's a simple guide on how to install on Ubuntu (You will also find a guide to install it on Windows there).

The python version we would use for this project is 3.9, so let's create a virtual environment with this python version

gift@console:~/Documents/sdn$ python3.9 -m venv sdn-env

Now we can just activate our environment and then install Ryu and Mininet python packages

(sdn-env) gift@console:~/Documents/sdn$ pip install ryu==4.34
(sdn-env) gift@console:~/Documents/sdn$ pip install mininet==2.3.0.dev6

You'll also need to install mininet on your root python path:

$ sudo python3 -m pip install  mininet==2.3.0.dev6

We also need to install a particular version of eventlet to prevent some dependency issues

(sdn-env) gift@console:~/Documents/sdn$ pip install eventlet==0.30.2

You don't have to worry too much about what eventlet is, but if you're curious, you can always check online for more info < + >

Network Structure

Before we get to writing the "beans", we first have to talk about how the network would be structured.
To keep things simple we would build a network with just 3 switches connected serially basically like in a bus topology, and then each of these switches would have 3 hosts connected to them.

The switches we would use are Open vSwitches, which is a really popular option when building SDNs.

The hosts machine this time would basically be a copy of your machine (in my case it would be Ubuntu).
The hosts would have a different network namespace, this means they would have a different network stack from your main system (different IP address, routing tables, interfaces etc). But they would share the same root file system with your computer.


You can actually create network hosts that are isolated from your root file system, by creating them with Docker Images.
We would not discuss this here sha [ -_-]

Here's a visualisation of the network topology:


Network Implementation

Let's get started with building the network, with the mininet python library. Create a file called

First we would import the necessary modules we need:

from mininet.topo import Topo
from import Mininet
from mininet.log import setLogLevel
from mininet.cli import CLI
from mininet.node import OVSKernelSwitch, RemoteController

Next we would create a class that would build the network topology for us. This class would inherit the Topo class we've imported above.

class TopoBuilder(Topo):
	def build(self):
		#create Open vSwitches
		s1 = self.addSwitch('s1', cls=OVSKernelSwitch)
		s2 = self.addSwitch('s2', cls=OVSKernelSwitch)
		s3 = self.addSwitch('s3', cls=OVSKernelSwitch)

		#create hosts
		h1s1 = self.addHost('h1s1', ip='', xterm='xterm h1s1')
		h2s1 = self.addHost('h2s1', ip='', xterm='xterm h2s1')
		h3s1 = self.addHost('h3s1', ip='', xterm='xterm h3s1')
		h1s2 = self.addHost('h1s2', ip='', xterm='xterm h1s2')
		h2s2 = self.addHost('h2s2', ip='', xterm='xterm h2s2')
		h3s2 = self.addHost('h3s2', ip='', xterm='xterm h3s2')
		h1s3 = self.addHost('h1s3', ip='', xterm='xterm h1s3')
		h2s3 = self.addHost('h2s3', ip='', xterm='xterm h2s3')
		h3s3 = self.addHost('h3s3', ip='', xterm='xterm h3s3')

		#Link the network devices to match topology :)
		self.addLink(h1s1, s1)
		self.addLink(h2s1, s1)
		self.addLink(h3s1, s1)
		self.addLink(h1s2, s2)
		self.addLink(h2s2, s2)
		self.addLink(h3s2, s2)
		self.addLink(h1s3, s3)
		self.addLink(h2s3, s3)
		self.addLink(h3s3, s3)
		self.addLink(s1, s2)
		self.addLink(s2, s3)

I believe this is pretty simple to understand (^_^ ).
The Topo class has a build method which we've overridden to defined our topology, with the necessary devices and links.

Now all that's left would be to define our main entry point

if __name__ == '__main__':
	setLogLevel('info') # Add Logger
	topo = TopoBuilder() # Create Topobuilder Object
	c0 = RemoteController('c0', port=6653)  # Connect to our remote controller
	net = Mininet(topo=topo, controller=c0) # Create mininet object
	net.start() # Start the mininet.
	CLI(net) # Run the mininet CLI.
	net.stop() # Close mininet on exit.

This is nice, If you noticed, you'll see that when creating our RemoteController object: c0, I set the port to be 6653, this is where I plan to run our remote controller when We're done building it.

To test the script and see if it's working, run this command:

sudo python3

The output should look something like this:


If you notice the second line of the picture says "Unable to contact the remote controller at", which is where our SDN controller is supposed to run on.

Let's go on and build the Controller ( ^_^)

The Controller Structure

To quickly recap, an SDN controller is the application in the SDN architecture that manages the flow of data on the network. To put simply, it tells the switches where to send data packets to. This improves the network's performance and allows for more efficient network management.

To build our controller we would use Ryu, which is an SDN framework built with python for building network applications (like a controller -- in our case).

Let's get started by first creating a file called, and then importing the necessary modules.

from ryu.base import app_manager
from ryu.controller import ofp_event
from ryu.controller.handler import CONFIG_DISPATCHER, MAIN_DISPATCHER
from ryu.controller.handler import set_ev_cls
from ryu.ofproto import ofproto_v1_3

from ryu.lib.packet import ethernet
from ryu.lib.packet import packet
from ryu.lib.packet import arp
from ryu.lib.packet import ipv4
from ryu.lib.packet import icmp
from ryu.lib.packet import ether_types

from ryu.topology import event

import logging
import networkx as nx


Remember to install networkx with pip install you'll see why later

The next step would be to create our controller class, and the __init__ method

class MyController(app_manager.RyuApp):
	OFP_VERSIONS = [ofproto_v1_3.OFP_VERSION]

	def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
		super(MyController, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
		self.switches = list()
		self.links = list()
		self.hosts = list()
		self.mac_to_port = dict() = nx.DiGraph()

The Controller class inherits the RyuApp class, which is the base app for Ryu application.
I also specified the OpenFlow protocol version we would use, version 1.3.
In the __init__ method, I've created some attributes:

{ switch_dpid : {mac_address_of_device : port_device_is_connected_on } }

in the Ryu controller, switches can be referenced (or represented) with their mac addresses. or a given data path ID (dpid). Which is typically just an integer number.

Now we would have to create methods that would detect when the network devices, their links, and then append them to their respective attributes.

class MyController(app_manager.RyuApp):

	def _get_switches(self, ev):
		print(f'New Switch Added: {ev.switch}')
		self.mac_to_port.setdefault(, {})
		#add switch to netx object

	def _get_links(self, ev):
		print(f'New Link Added: {}')
		self.mac_to_port[][] =
		#link switches in netx object,

	def _get_hosts(self, ev):
		print(f'New Host Detected: {}')
		self.mac_to_port[][] =

		#add host to netx object

		#bi-directional linking,,

Now we have created three methods that would be in charge of switches, links and hosts discovery respectively.
The set_ev_class decorator is what enable us to create methods that can handle different kinds of events that can occur on the network.
To detect the events that are related to network device discovery, we use the event module which is from the ryu.topology module.

Now that we've taken care of devices and links discovery on the network, we have to create functions to handle the switch features on discovery which involves setting up basic (custom) configurations for our switches when they are discovered.

To put simply, when a switch is connected to the network, it sends it's features to the SDN controller, when this happens we would typically need to configure the switch to act in a certain way.
In our case, we would configure a default flow rule on the switch.

class MyController(app_manager.RyuApp):

	@set_ev_cls(ofp_event.EventOFPSwitchFeatures, CONFIG_DISPATCHER)
	def switch_features_handler(self, ev):
		datapath = ev.msg.datapath
		ofproto = datapath.ofproto
		parser = datapath.ofproto_parser

		match = parser.OFPMatch()
		actions = [parser.OFPActionOutput(
		self.add_flow(datapath, 0, match, actions)

	def add_flow(self, datapath, priority, match, actions):
		ofproto = datapath.ofproto
		parser = datapath.ofproto_parser
		instructions = [parser.OFPInstructionActions(
									actions = actions)
		flow_mod = parser.OFPFlowMod(datapath=datapath, 

I'll quickly explain what's happening here now (¬o_o)

Now that we're done with handling switch features, and configuration, we would need to create methods for handling network packets, that are sent to the controller. This would be the last feature we would build for this simple controller.

To keep things as simple as possible, we would focus on handling two packet types, ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) packets, and ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) packets.
ARP packets would help us resolve the IP addresses of the network devices to their MAC addresses. This way the switches would be able to update their ARP table (re-actively).
The ICMP packets are what we would use to test if the network can actually send data to different devices on the network. We would do this using commands like ping and pingall

class MyController(app_manager.RyuApp):

	@set_ev_cls(ofp_event.EventOFPPacketIn, MAIN_DISPATCHER)
	def _packet_in_handler(self, ev):
		datapath = ev.msg.datapath
		in_port = ev.msg.match['in_port']
		pkt = packet.Packet(
		pkt_ethernet = pkt.get_protocol(ethernet.ethernet)
		if not pkt_ethernet:
		if pkt_ethernet.ethertype == ether_types.ETH_TYPE_LLDP:
			#ignore lldp packets
		pkt_arp = pkt.get_protocol(arp.arp)
		if pkt_arp:
			self._handle_arp(datapath, in_port, pkt_ethernet, pkt_arp)
		pkt_ipv4 = pkt.get_protocol(ipv4.ipv4)
		pkt_icmp = pkt.get_protocol(icmp.icmp)
		if pkt_icmp:
			self._handle_icmp(datapath, in_port, pkt_ethernet, pkt_ipv4, pkt_icmp)

Before we move on, I would love to explain what's going on here;

Now let's implement these functions

class MyController(app_manager.RyuApp):
	def _handle_arp(self, datapath, port, pkt_ethernet, pkt_arp):
		pkt = packet.Packet()
		dst = pkt_ethernet.dst
		src = pkt_ethernet.src
		out_port = self._mac_port_table_lookup(datapath, src, dst)
		self._send_packet(datapath, port, out_port, pkt, dst, src)
	def _handle_icmp(self, datapath, port, pkt_ethernet, pkt_ipv4, pkt_icmp):
		pkt = packet.Packet()

		dst = pkt_ethernet.dst
		src = pkt_ethernet.src
		out_port = self._mac_port_table_lookup(datapath, src, dst)
		self._send_packet(datapath, port, out_port, pkt, dst, src)
	def _mac_to_port_table_lookup(self, datapath, src, dst):
		if dst in
			path = nx.shortest_path(, src, dst) # get shortest path
			out_port = ofproto_v1_3.OFPP_FLOOD
			return out_port
		next_node = path[path.index(]
		if isinstance(next_node, int):
			link = [link for link in self.links \
					if link.src.dpid == and \
					link.dst.dpid == next_node]
			out_port_key = link[0].dst.hw_addr
			return self.mac_to_port[][out_port_key] #outport
		elif isinstance(next_node, str):
			out_port = self.mac_to_port[][next_node]
			return out_port

We're almost done now :)
So what we've done here is simple, but very important.

The _mac_to_port_table it the function that's basically in charge of routing on the network, It determine the shortest path between the source and the destination on the network, and then return the next device (port) to send the data packet to.

To determine the shortest path, I decided to use the networkx library. netowrkx is a python library for studying graphs and networks, it comes with inbuilt functions we can use to visualize and better understand our network, it also has a function for finding the shortest path, this way we wouldn't have to worry about implementing an algorithm to find shortest from scratch ( ^_^).

Now if you look at the second part of the _mac_to_port_lookup function, you see something like:

def _mac_to_port_lookup(...):
	next_node = path[path.index(]
	if isinstance(next_node, int):

This is here because sometimes the next device we would want to send a packet to would be another switch. on our network (the object), switches are represented with numbers. Here's a visualisation of the network:



You might not necessarily have the same mac addresses as show here, when you run your network.

When this happens, we would have to get the outport in a slightly different way;

Now to the last step, implementing the _send_packet function.

class MyController(app_manager.RyuApp):
	def _send_packet(self, datapath, in_port, out_port, pkt, dst, src):
		ofproto = datapath.ofproto
		parser = datapath.ofproto_parser
		data =
		actions = [parser.OFPActionOutput(port=out_port)]
		#install a flow to avoid packet_in next time
		if out_port != ofproto.OFPP_FLOOD:
			match = parser.OFPMatch(in_port=in_port, eth_dst=dst, eth_src=src)
			out = parser.OFPPacketOut(datapath=datapath,
			actions = [parser.OFPActionOutput(port=out_port)]
			out = parser.OFPPacketOut(datapath=datapath, 

Okay so this is the _send_packet function. The way it works is fairly simple;

And that's all for the controller class :)
Now all we have to do is to define out main entry point.

import ...

class MyController(app_manager.RyuApp):

if __name__ == '__main__':
	from ryu import cfg
	cfg.CONF(args=[__file__, '--ofp-tcp-listen-port', '6653'], project='ryu')

In here we specify that the controller should run on port 6653 using the cfg module from ryu, and then we run the app with the app_manager.main() function.

Now let's start our simple SDN.
First on your terminal run this command to start the controller:

(sdn-env) gift@console:~/Documents/sdn$ ryu-manager --observe-links --enable-debugger ./

The output should look something like this:


Next we run the mininet topology script with the command:

(sdn-env) gift@console:~/Documents/sdn$ sudo python3

the output should look like this:


Also on the window running the controller, you should see logs saying that the network devices and their links have been detected by the controller:



You have to start the controller before running the mininet script so that the controller would be able to detect the host devices

Now for the last step, let's send a pingall command on the mininet console so that we can update the arp table of the switches:


And there you have it, we have now implemented a functional SDN.
But this is just the beginning, there's so much more we could do, like creating a dashboard to monitor the controller and the network using Ryu's REST API, exploring VLANs on mininet, setting up custom configuration for other types of packets, implementing a load balancer, exploring other kinds of routing techniques I mean the list is a really long one.

The good news though is that it all starts from here :)

> I don't really have anything else to say rn
> I'm tired
> I guess this is goodbye for now.
> Sayonara !!!